Concealed shower valve

Concealed shower valve

Reading Time: 3 minutes

There are many options when it comes to bathroom taps. For example, not only can washbasin taps be built in but also a bathroom tap and ‘concealed’ shower valve can be neatly concealed in the wall. You can create a quiet bathroom by leaving out the rod and choosing a head shower with a ceiling or wall arm. The name says it all, the ceiling arm is connected to the water supply from the ceiling and a wall arm is connected to the water supply from the wall. The ceiling arm is a straight rod to which the overhead shower or rain shower is connected. With the wall arm, the rod is curved at the end.

The great advantage of a concealed shower valve is that it can be neatly concealed in the wall. Only the spout comes out of the wall, creating a stylish whole. Keep in mind that in an existing bathroom might need some extra hacking and breaking to build in the shower tap. This is because it involves the knob for the hot and cold water or a thermostat knob and the knob to determine the strength of the water. In both cases, there are two buttons on the shower faucet, both of which must be neatly connected to the faucet that you have concealed in the wall. A shower tap can also be installed in a shower cabin.

Advantages and disadvantages of a built-in faucet

A faucet out of the wall looks luxurious and stylish, but it also has some drawbacks. A built-in faucet requires more installation space anyway. This means it takes more time to install a built-in faucet. In the instance, you want to replace or repair the built-in faucet, it gives you more work than with a surface mounted faucet. It makes sense that concealed showers are becoming increasingly popular, their minimalist look makes them perfect for modern bathrooms.


Extra space: No more bumping your elbow against the shower rod! With a built-in shower you make the best use of space, especially if you have a small bathroom. A built-in shower set offers more space under the shower without sacrificing functionality or comfort.

Easier cleaning: Practically speaking, a recessed shower faucet makes it much faster and easier to clean your shower. Without external pipes or a shower rod getting in the way, you’ll be done in minutes!

Installation flexibility: Unlike a surface-mounted shower, recessed showers allows you to place the shower exactly at the height you want.

Stylish and aesthetic: The shower sets give your shower room a sleek, modern and minimalist look.

It is also very important to consider the following disadvantages:

  • Difficult to replace and repair parts when broken.
  • Assembly is more work and more expensive to have done.

Installing a concealed faucet

Installing a concealed faucet is more work than installing an exposed faucet and will therefore cost more. When a concealed shower valve is installed, the interior of the faucet is built into the wall. Not every bathroom wall has that space. If, it is not possible to install the concealed shower valve in the wall, a false wall can be put in place. A false wall is made of plaster blocks in which you can easily make a hole, so you can create a recess for attaching the faucet.

We hope that our information regarding the pros and cons of a built-in shower faucet has made your choice a little easier. Which has hopefully given you plenty of inspiration to complete your dream bathroom!

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