How to unblock a toilet?

How to unblock a toilet?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Having the WC blocked in your bathroom is an ordeal that everyone encounter at least once, and for most of us multiple times. To help you in your moment of need , here are different methods on how to unblock a toilet.

First of all, here are the different accessories that you may need:

  • Enzyme waste removal
  • Chemical drain cleaner
  • Plumbing snake
  • toilet plunger
  • pump toilet plunger

Caution: For all methods, wear a pair of rubber gloves and protective glasses

Unblock a toilet with enzyme waste removal

how to unblock a toilet using enzyme waste removal

Made to deteriorate organic waste and toilet paper, the enzyme waste removal contains no sodium hydroxide or acid. There is then no risk for plastic pipes and septic tanks.

If the level of water is about to overflow and do not come back to normal after a couple of minutes, stop flushing.

1. Take out the water before processing further in the unblocking. Use a bucket and a plastic bottle that is cut to scoop.

2. Then boil some water, and pour it inside the WC bowl

3. You can now take your bottle of enzyme waste removal and shake it.

Caution: follow the direction for use on the container

4. Pour half of the product in the WC and leave it for hours.

5. If the level of water has considerably reduced, flush the toilet to see if the flow is back to normal.

If the product was not enough to unblock your toilet, try using a plunger. 

The use of a toilet plunger

To be efficient, the plunger must have a diameter large enough to cover the entire bottom of the bowl. Make sure you keep your rubber gloves and protective glasses on.

how to unblock a toilet using a plunger

Caution: If you previously used chemical drain cleaner, unlike the enzyme one, it is highly corrosive. Therefore, it is not recommended to use the plunger afterwards as potentially dangerous chemical mixed water might splash.

1. After bailing the water, use the plunger by holding the handle vertically and simulate low amplitude movements downward and upward.

2. First, try to make the clog move slightly so it is not stuck anymore.

3. After 20 seconds of pumping, pull in one go to create a piston effect

4. Repeat the process until the water flows back to normal.

You could also use a pump plunger. They function as a regular plunger but they multiply the suction capacity as well as the pressurization in the pipe by 10. The pumps often come with two suction cups, one for the WC and one for the sink, making them extra practical.

How to use a pump toilet plunger to unblock the toilet:

1. First, completely pull the piston’s handle.

2. Place the suction cup on the bottom of the bowl to block the evacuation.

3. Hold the pump tight and actively push the handle.

4. If the WC is still blocked, repeat the process.

Unblock the toilet using the plumbing snake

An efficient method to unblock toilets is to use a plumbing snake on which the hose will go through the plumbing and reach the clog.

how to unblock a toilet using plumbing snake

1. Slide the tip of the plumbing snake through the hole in the WC bowl.

2. Push slowly. You may have to shake or twist the hose to help it go through. If needed, pull it and then push it to keep it on going forward.

3. Keep pushing until it hits a robust obstacle, a sign that you have reached the clog.

4. Slowly turn the handle. The corkscrew shape on the tip will drill into the clog that blocks the plumbing.

5. When it becomes too hard to drill, it means that the clog is harpooned

6. Now, pull the plumbing snake. It is most likely that the waste breaks and drains off due to the water pressure.

If your bathroom is upstairs, or if you live in an apartment, the waste could be located further down in the plumbing. You will then need to access the plumbing system from another part or to try to reach the clog through your WC with the snake.

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to let us know in the comments. What other methods for unblocking the toilet you know?

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