How to replace a kitchen tap? Easy!

How to replace a kitchen tap? Easy!

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Unlike what you might think, it is easy to replace a kitchen sink is an easy task. Most of the kitchen taps are mixer taps, which means that the hot and cold water coming from under the sink are mixed directly in the tap. Hence, the pips come generally from the same hole in the sink.
In the case you do not have a mixer tap, the hols for these can be much further apart. Here are the different steps to replace a kitchen tap.

Tools needed

  • Towel
  • adjustable spanner
  • wrench
  • box spanner
  • polytetrafluoroethylene tape

Tap components

Under each tap, there is a long thread fitting with a nut that will go through your sink. This nut, washer, and securing plat will hold the tap from underneath onto the sink. There is also a plastic seal, which will create a watertight between the tap and the sink.

Replace a kitchen tap

Whatever tap you will put on your sink, make sure that it will fit before you start. Also, do not forget to put a towel under the sink to mope up any drop.

1. If you are replacing an old tap, you will need to turn off the water supply first. Then, open the tap to drain the water from the pipes.

2. Now disconnect the hot and cold water supply to the old tap pipes. You could use two adjustable spanners or wrenches if the access is too difficult.

3. Undo the nut that holds the tap to the sink. Favour the use of a box spanner with you can.

4. Lift the tap out of the sink. Be careful while doing it as the tap hole is very sharp.

5. Place the new tap through the hole. (make sure you put the plastic seal between the tap and the sink).

6. Screw the tap from under the sink. (Remember to put the washer and securing plate in between the nut and the sink.)

7. Tighten as much as you can, and reconnect the hot and cold pipes.

Strengthen the sealing

To ensure a really good seal, wrap some polytetrafluoroethylene tape around the thread on the pipe before you screw onto the nut.
Make sure to wrap the tape to the opposite direction to the thread on the pipe, so it doesn’t unravel as you tighten up the nut.

Once everything is reconnected, tune the water supply back on.

This should cover most of the replacement work. Nevertheless, if you have some specific inquiry to replace a kitchen tap, do not hesitate to leave it in the comments section.

4 thoughts on “How to replace a kitchen tap? Easy!

  1. I must say it is quite easy to replace kitchen taps with a little bit of knowledge. You can save a lot of money by doing it on your own. I will definitely try this out and let you know. Thank you for taking the time to share this informative blog post with us. I really appreciate that you have tried to made this blog as short and simple as you could. You have also explained the procedure in a very easy to understand manner.

    1. Hey Emma,

      Thanks for your cheerful comment, I would love you to give us feedback on your kitchen tap replacement ๐Ÿ™‚

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