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Dornbracht is a leading manufacturer in the premium segment. Often considered as Rolls-Royce in the entire bathroom industry, Dornbracht is a prestigious brand famed for their reliability and value-added products. Never has the brand seen change as a constraint but always an opportunity. This is the driving force that has gotten Dornbracht, a family owned business founded 60 years ago, to win numerous international awards for their high quality and innovative products. What makes the brand so special?

Dornbracht’s devotion for design

3 different Dornbracht taps design desplayed

A bathroom is no longer considered just as a place to clean ourselves. The room is now the centre of attention in terms of architecture, design, and technology. It is now a place where we can relax, unwinds, and focus just on ourselves. With the concept of individualism increasing, Dornbracht has spent years researching and innovating to answer these needs.

Reaching such high-quality standards to keep the brand forefront in the premium market does not go without discipline. Hence, Dornbracht imposes strict rules for its products. Each of them needs to match the following design principles. Proportion, precision, progressiveness, personality, and performance. With its five principles, the company is without a doubt one of the top manufacturers in the bathroom industry. Showers with an astonishing aesthetic, sleek baths. You will find some incredible products!

Each product represents the company’s individuality culture in which the brand thrives. Dornbracht creates unique designed products that has its own identity, as it can be seen on the above taps.

Varies water forms, durable and recyclable products

red glossery taps from Dornbracht

Dornbracht’s products are representing the brand know-how. With products available in various shapes whether it is for your wash basin or shower. The brand offers a variety of water flow forms like never before. Raindrops, crystal clear water, powerful cascade or soft jet, the choice is yours.

The brand is a pioneer when it comes to undertaking actions to preserve the environment. As a matter of fact, all Dornbracht products are recyclable. Moreover, you do not need any chemical product to clean their fixtures. The use of a damp cloth is enough to clean a Dornbracht shower head for example, making their product nontoxic.

Last but not least, the Brand offer products that has an incredible durability. Some of their products are made of glassed steel that makes it possible for Dornbracht to create lightweight and durable fixtures. Plus, this specific material gives more opportunity for customization.

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